Monday, 27 April 2015

Memories of a pencil pinafore with a crisp white apron and a lace trim

Being the youngest of six children, looking back at old photos I always marvel at how my Mother made time and took such care in getting us dressed. She hand made allot of our clothes, beautiful matching dresses, shorts, pyjamas, even swimmers. Remarkable for a woman who when reflecting indicates that she never really had a passion for sewing. On Sundays going to Church as a family we would always be immaculate with braided hair, ribbons, personalised brooches and shined shoes. This effort and attention to detail reflected the significance of where we were going as a family and instilled the importance of taking pride in yourself even from a young age.

The memory I have of feeling extra special in my beloved pencil dress has suck with me. I still have this dress hanging in our wardrobe. A beautiful pinafore made of pencil material, with a crisp white apron with lace trim. I look forward to the day when Adella can wear it proudly.

A few years ago I was fortunate enough to be handed down some vintage materials that my Mother used to make our clothes. When I look through the rolls of material and old patterns I become very nostalgic and appreciative that my Mother made us these special outfits with such love and care.

When I was at home initially after giving birth to Adella I felt that I needed a creative outlet. Hence Babydoll Design was born. It always makes me happy to see these little beauties hanging up waiting to be worn and loved. Here are a few at our local florist

Vintage Materials that hold fond childhood memories
Sweet little Cupcake... One of my favourites

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