Have you ever been floored by an act of kindness from a stranger? Something that transformed a situation from being increasingly difficult to hopeful and encouraging. My little man Alfie and myself had such an occasion today.
The poor little poppet had a challenging day as he needed to have day surgery. As we presented at the admission office at the hospital, I found it difficult to mask my apprehension of what lay ahead. My mother's heart did not want my little boy to have to endure any pain or sadness. Even though I knew that the procedure was necessary and inevitable and that the outcome would be beneficial for Alfie I could not help feeling guilty for leading my precious one into a situation that I couldn't protect him from.
As we walked down the corridor into the waiting room I glanced at the faces of the other parents who were waiting with their children. Looking at them was like looking into a mirror. For they shared my anxiety, apprehension and guilt.
I then looked down into the blue cot that was allocated to Alfie and at that very moment I was overcome with emotion and floored by an act of kindness from a stranger that provided me with encouragement, hope and reassurance in a time when I needed it most. A little knitted bear (whom we have since called Batholomew) with a bright purple jumper and kind eyes was sitting up, waiting to greet us and give Alfie a reassuring cuddle.
He had been given to us by the local ladies auxiliary group who regularly get together to knit bears to be given to children who are unwell or have surgery at the hospital.
Being a crafter who has made a few soft toys in my time, I always am in awe of the love and time that goes into making one of these beauties.
It was this point that floored me; That a stranger had invested her time, money and effort to make a bear who would be my son's companion and bring him comfort during a day that was filled with uncertainty. She didn't need to meet him, she wasn't doing it to be thanked, She did it as a genuine act of kindness, as a symbol of compassion and hope when I needed it the most.
So to those ladies of the local auxiliary I want to say THANK YOU;
-Thank you for making a beautiful bear that will always hold special meaning and significance for my husband and I
- Thank you Batholomew for being the protector of Alfie and giving him reassuring cuddles when he needed them the most and allowing him to peacefully drift off to sleep when we returned home
- Thank you for bringing a smile to his face and making him laugh when his day had been filled with tears
and lastly
- Thank you for challenging me about the importance of having genuine compassion and being kind without needing any other motivation other than wanting to bring happiness to others
x Grace
Hope Alfie is doing well!
Thanks michelle, he has recovered and is back to his old self
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